the story that goes with it....
it all starts with two earth children on another blissfully boring stressed-out sleepless school night
a DR. DJ. RA TA. Cody Griswold and a self-ordained (since 2007) four-warning apocalyptic time-traveling thaumaturge (yours truly)
as this Doctor spends most of his time dissecting the digital bowels of the night he couldn't believe his eyes...and an innocent question was posed...
" you want a gas mask?"
"so i found this add on Craigslist"

now what 13 year old suburban little boy would want a gas it the "G. I. Joe VS Barbie" complex...
but neither of us during that 20-22 year old moment could ever imagine the idea of "a gas mask" or perhaps "a box of broken gas masks" on a random porch turning into 40,000 in a parking lot of an abandoned warehouse 19th and Indiana Avenue...
at first the eye was deceived ... the cargo we glanced at was almost confused for some shipment of the neighboring warehouse...and the Doctor and i thinking it was off limits...
but then we saw a couple smashed and damaged lumps of matter that we thought...
resembled gas masks on the ground closer to those rows and rows of pallets. . .
the real-eyes-ation was instant...
and blanketed our skulls like the many faces of the maskures...
what we were surrounded by in this parking lot of an abandoned ware house...
at 19th and Indiana Avenue, Philadelphia PA
was . . .
approximately 40,000 gas masks
All...for the taking...
so between two carloads and my mommas mini van stuffed with case of gas masks we were able to acquire 700...SEVEN HUNDRED gas masks...four different makes and models in four different sizes...
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ænd now who what the when where why and how you might be asking...well...
well shit i dint know anything more than the Craigslist add at this moment...and i dint even see it before we left to go investigate . . .
and the piece of information that is first to surface it self from the pile of 40,000 gas masks was of course the packaging slip . . .
you know that little slip of paper that tells you how many pallets on a track and how many pieces upon a pallet?
yeah that thing...
written in both Ukrainian and English...this piece oh paper held a very interesting date of delivery :

now knowing that the end is coming...
but not being one of those fire and brim stone soap boxers...i am NOT claiming to be able to forecast the death of our physical...and how the human race will be vanquished...
i do know that the human race will die long before the earth does...
the decisions we make as a species are slowly killing our earth...
but i dont think you can even use the word slowly any more...
but she will rebound...
will not...
what i do know is that i have died once already...a crippling in between dream...
and after a journey to a place that i now call the bink tine mines...
it does also know we have the potential to release our boulders from their stagnant state...
but this is all mental...
and what this packaging slip concerns is more so the physical...
i do not know if the coincidental arrival of 40,000 gas masks in Huntingdon Valley on September 10, 2001 had anything to do with the following day (ya know 9-11-01)...
but then again i dont believe in coincidence...and conspiracies remain just that, a conspiracy, until proven true...
but what i am mostly concerning myself with (who ever that is) is the idea behind these gas masks...
Oh yeah...did we mention that we scooped up SEVEN HUNDRED of these gas masks thingys completely for free?
look hers a picture of them...

well i guess this is just a picture of a life size picture of the 700 gasmasks we own...couple cases short...and minus the ones we've sold in are apartment there are closer to 600

♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ænd what did the asshole skull think to do with them first...SELL 'EM!
(what an asshole)
20 bucks a pop unless its a military mask....then its 25
true capital dick head right...right...we agree...
but heres the deal...if it were to give them out for free...within my biased decisions, who would i give them to...well...friends, family and loved ones of course...but thats too much like playing god or Noah...
so if by some reason there were to be some type of disaster that demanded the application of a gas mask as a survival tactic there would be a small colony of 700 people that
as a human being i have fallen into this game of chance by chance and will continue to be the chance filled filter that its stumbled into...
oops...for what ever reason you've found your interested in an object that has been designed to protect a human being from respiratory and gaseous hazards...fuck a big ass bomb if your sneezing these might be a grand idea...
polluted by everything...the shear concept of this existence pertains to the temporal nature of your existence...
so whether weathered for
novelty ...
paranoia ...
grass-mask alterations ...
currently we have chosen a capitalistic endeavor to spread the wealth of these little symbols of chaos or protection...
we, as the maskures family, have run out of ideas...

the maskures family
umming...floating...pealed...fluxed...made...raped...♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫J♫ænd birthed

dumb stricken yam i
any ideas?!
seriously.....heres the email......................................
its that easy.....
think revolution...
think 700 people...jumping up and down....yup thats right...
think earthquakes....
other wise...
have you ever had a dream...
YAY!..............i love listening to those
i had one once...wanna help with mine?

a dream